Friday, March 31, 2006


... if were not for the rain and this broken brain of mine, i would. if were not for the faint smiles and the pale sighs, i would. if it were not for the fake tatoos and the nicotine stains, i would. If it were not for the taste of rhum and cigarettes in your mouth. if it were not for the endless drinking nights. if it were not for all the things that i’ve seen, ... the lost polaroides, the broken glass, the tears. if it were not for those whispering words of yours, i would. if it were not for last summer, i would. If it were not for your beauty, and a striped summer dress, i would. if it were not for the paleness of your skin and the sad sparkle of your eyes, i would. if it were not for all the things that i cannot change or undo, ... i would.

1 comment:

Shana said...

Would you? I really liked this peice . . . I got very vivid pictures in my head from it.