Friday, March 31, 2006
... if were not for the rain and this broken brain of mine, i would. if were not for the faint smiles and the pale sighs, i would. if it were not for the fake tatoos and the nicotine stains, i would. If it were not for the taste of rhum and cigarettes in your mouth. if it were not for the endless drinking nights. if it were not for all the things that i’ve seen, ... the lost polaroides, the broken glass, the tears. if it were not for those whispering words of yours, i would. if it were not for last summer, i would. If it were not for your beauty, and a striped summer dress, i would. if it were not for the paleness of your skin and the sad sparkle of your eyes, i would. if it were not for all the things that i cannot change or undo, ... i would.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Too Low, Too High
Too low to find my way
Too high to wonder why
I've touched this place before
Somewhere in another time
Now I can hear the sun
The clouds drifting through the blinds
A half a million thoughts
Are flowing through my mind
Lebanese Blonde, Thievery Corporation
Too high to wonder why
I've touched this place before
Somewhere in another time
Now I can hear the sun
The clouds drifting through the blinds
A half a million thoughts
Are flowing through my mind
Lebanese Blonde, Thievery Corporation
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Je Pense Bien Que ...
"Je pense bien que le monde est calculé
Je pense bien que tout est encadré
Que nos pensées sont tracées dans l'air auparavant"
Le monde, Thievery Corporation
Je pense bien que tout est encadré
Que nos pensées sont tracées dans l'air auparavant"
Le monde, Thievery Corporation
Monday, March 27, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Melancolia Geográfica
Melancolia Geográfica: Sensação de que os lugares que conhecemos já não são aquilo que eram. Ex: “Este sítio dantes era mais fixe, mas agora está diferente!”
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
"We must find out what words are and how they function. They become images when written down, but images of words repeated in the mind and not of the image of the thing itself."
W.S. Burroughs
Monday, March 20, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Interrupção voluntária da gravidade
a minha irmã chama-se francisca.
a minha amiga chama-se maria.
do nome do meu cão não me lembro.
talvez o meu cão não tenha nome.
a minha amiga chama-se maria.
do nome do meu cão não me lembro.
talvez o meu cão não tenha nome.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Emergency Procedures
In case of emergency don’t panic, don’t run, don’t walk, don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t smile, don’t wear sunglasses, do not wear punk rock t-shirts, don’t use the internet, don’t listen to the radio, don’t talk, don’t blink, don’t eat japanese food, don’t use drugs, don’t be stupid, don’t pretend to be something you are not, don’t speak my name, don’t pay attention to the terrible noise, don’t fall apart, remove your piercings, and your tatoos (if possible), don’t breathe, keep your voice down, don’t listen to music, fasten your seat belt, follow the emergency procedures and...enjoy (if possible).
Monday, March 13, 2006
So there is no pain
[Trevor has Aeon pinned to the ground.]
Trevor Goodchild: You shot Rubio, and not me. Now, why is that?
Æon Flux: Trevor, don't trouble me with your thin smile.
[she flips them so that she is on top]
Trevor Goodchild: Stop! There's a pain... in my back!
Æon Flux: Can you describe it, in words?
Trevor Goodchild: What?
Æon Flux: I want you to tell me about the pain.
Trevor Goodchild: Sharp... stabbing... piercing...
Æon Flux: You're telling me nothing.
Trevor Goodchild: It feels... ugh!.. .like a nail, twisting into my spine.
Æon Flux: Yes. But there is no nail.
Trevor Goodchild: No.
Æon Flux: So there is no pain.
[they kiss]
In “Aeon Flux”
Trevor Goodchild: You shot Rubio, and not me. Now, why is that?
Æon Flux: Trevor, don't trouble me with your thin smile.
[she flips them so that she is on top]
Trevor Goodchild: Stop! There's a pain... in my back!
Æon Flux: Can you describe it, in words?
Trevor Goodchild: What?
Æon Flux: I want you to tell me about the pain.
Trevor Goodchild: Sharp... stabbing... piercing...
Æon Flux: You're telling me nothing.
Trevor Goodchild: It feels... ugh!.. .like a nail, twisting into my spine.
Æon Flux: Yes. But there is no nail.
Trevor Goodchild: No.
Æon Flux: So there is no pain.
[they kiss]
In “Aeon Flux”
Aeon Flux
é claro que não tenho palavras suficientes para descrever a influência que a série “Aeon Flux” (1995, Peter Chung) teve sobre mim. foram muitas quintas-feiras à noite passadas na mais absoluta perplexidade e deslumbramento em frente à MTV. e é claro que tudo, ou quase tudo, estava na infinita profundidade dos personagens e na intensidade do texto e dos diálogos (aliás, writing credits - in alphabetical order - Japhet Asher, Peter Chung, Peter Gaffney, Mark Mars). eram quase sempre aqueles textos e diálogos que conferiam à série aquele deslumbramento desapaixonado e inquieto. e não me importo de aqui dizer que não me penitencio nem arrependo de ter pedido emprestadas a Trevor Goodchild as palavras “That which does not kill us, makes us stranger”. ama-se e por isso mesmo recomenda-se.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Kiss me
I am not your food
em julho. adormeci. acordei. vestido. não saí. não sei... há um monte de pensamentos vagos e leves como balões de ar a flutuarem-me no cérebro. e há os blue six, incessantemente no hi-fi. e tenho a impressão de que acabo de me esquecer de tudo aquilo de que não me lembrava.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
"Cidade. Porque é um território de liberdade, de democracia, onde confrontamos as nossas diferenças com os outros, onde negociamos diariamente a dificuldade de vivermos juntos e há milhares de anos que o conseguimos fazer. Porque é um território da imprevisibilidade, porque somos muitos, porque estamos juntos, porque temos desejos diferentes. Porque é um território com uma história anterior a nós e que continuará depois de nós. Porque é um território constantemente incendiado de surpresas." Manuel Graça Dias, Arquitecto
I walked through the city limits
no outro dia deixei que "unknown pleasures" rodasse completo no hi-fi. e apercebi-me de que isso não acontecia há muito tempo. apercebi-me também de que é um disco sem principio nem fim. sem tempo. sem lugar. e que é sempre sublime. e que a guitarra em interzone nunca cessa de arrepiar,... "I walked through the city limits /Someone talked me in to do it..."

Monday, March 06, 2006
First Post
this is my new blog, ... and i wish i had something better to post.
"I had to run like a fugitive just to save the life I live
I'm gonna be Iron like a Lion in Zion"
Bob Marley
"I had to run like a fugitive just to save the life I live
I'm gonna be Iron like a Lion in Zion"
Bob Marley
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